
Learn about upcoming events, program-related reminders, and other exciting things happening at PIC!

June 29 was International Mud Day. Each year PIC celebrates International Mud Day by creating muddy, messy spaces on our playground, blacktop, and tot lot for children to explore. We know the benefits of messy play - it allows for open ended exploration of materials, it stimulates children's natural...
We were delighted for the chance to come together once again at PIC's annual Lemonade Lull. It was a huge success with lemonade and good times shared by all!
a monthly message from Executive Director Deb Green The past six weeks allowed us to host outdoor celebrations that reminded us of pre-COVID days and of how much our PIC community enjoys coming together. In late April we held a wonderful outdoor farewell party for Joann Schock, a beloved PIC teacher...
May is a month of graduations and this year we celebrate the completion of degrees of several of our PIC teachers. Charlese House and Dieynaba Diaw earned their Associate degrees in Early Childhood Education. Issy Gilhooley earned a Special Education Certification. Jameelah Jones and Kia Knight...
The classroom bulletin boards were brilliantly decorated and filled with notes of appreciation from families. There was also an admin brunch, family Sweet & Savory buffet, and a Board-sponsored food truck lunch! The week ended with PIC t-shirts for all and raffles throughout Friday. Here's some...
a monthly message from Deb Green When the calendar turns to May it means longer and warmer days and more time for outdoor play. As most know, outdoor play is one of the hallmarks of each child’s experience at PIC. Psychology professor Peter Gray is known in early childhood circles for his...
Join us at PIC's first in-person community event since the pandemic started. This years Day of Play is on Saturday, May 14 from 10 am - 1 pm. It is a time for PIC and the greater West Philly community to gather on the Nature Playground for fun arts, nature and music activities, and more. We need you...
a monthly message from Deb Green Today we know more than ever before about the importance of children's earliest years in shaping their learning and development. Yet, never before have the needs of young children and their families seemed more pressing. Last week, I attended a conference on...
Last week at PIC we celebrated the Week of the Young Child, an annual event of the National Association for the Education of Young Children ( NAEYC), the world's largest early childhood education association. The purpose of the week is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and...
a monthly message from Deb Green This month marks two years since we embarked on what turned out to be the most volatile roller coaster ride called COVID 19. So many lives lost, so many changes, and so many lingering effects that continue to profoundly impact our lives. There are hopeful signs that...