Posts in 'Center Closing'

Center Closing

PIC works hard to stay open in inclement weather. However, since we are likely to have weather-related closings, we want you to know how we make the decision to open or close. PIC follows the decision of the University of Pennsylvania. If they close, we will also close (Penn is our landlord and...
We understand that the Philadelphia Public Schools announced yesterday that they have added Monday, September 28 to the closure days for the district schools due to the papal visit. We are continuing to make every effort to keep PIC open on Monday. Our decision will be dependent upon the public...
After much consideration and discussion, the decision has been made that PIC will be closed on Friday, September 25. The following key considerations went into this decision: We asked Early Learning families if they planned to bring their children on the 25th if PIC were open. 82 families...
By now you have heard that Pope Francis will be in Philadelphia on September 26 and September 27, following a week-long gathering for the World Meeting of Families. The City of Philadelphia expects that as many as 1.5 million visitors may attend the event, which could strain the city's...
Snow. While we hate to even put this word in writing, we want to be pro-active and clear about PIC closing in the event of snow (especially since we continue to get predictions of another rough winter). PIC will continue to work hard to stay open in inclement weather. However, we will use these...
This year, we are moving our March In-Service day to the fall. On August 29, before we begin the next school year, Early Learning teachers will work together to deepen our understanding of the connections between nature, classroom environments, and curriculum, as well as literacy development. Summer...
PIC tries to remain open regardless of the weather, however there are times when we will have to close. If the University of Pennsylvania closes due to weather conditions, PIC will close. While we use Penn as a good guide when making the decision to close the Center, there are times when other...
PIC will be closed Monday, September 2, in observance of Labor Day, as well as Tuesday, September 3 for Staff In-service.