Spring is in the Air

Mud Kitchen play on the Nature Playground

A monthly message from Executive Director Deb Green

Spring is in the air! While I look forward to spring for so many reasons, one of the biggest is seeing the children have opportunities for long periods of daily outdoor play.

This winter we added new elements to our Nature Playground and it’s been great fun to watch the children use these new pieces. They are playing in an all-new mud kitchen and performing on an all-new stage. As they build structures with sticks and blocks, jump among tree logs, watch the birds at the feeders, or run in the open spaces, it is a delight to watch them create their own adventures each day.

As adults, most of us easily remember hours of childhood play outdoors.  Little did we know that our time outside was actually building our brains, bodies, and characters for later life. Today, ample research has shown that nature exposure has numerous long-term benefits that include:

  • Increase in self esteem and resilience. 
  • Reduction in stress.
  • Improvement in concentration, learning, creativity, cognitive development, cooperation, flexibility and self-awareness. 
  • Support in self control and self-discipline.
  • Collaboration to make up games and rules because there are no prescribed sets of instructions. 
  • Reduction in Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) symptoms.
  • Improvement in eyesight. More time spent outdoors is related to reduced rates of nearsightedness in children.
  • Prevention of childhood obesity. 
  • Through positive experiences in nature, children develop their love of nature and a foundation for the development of responsible environmental behavior.

It is simply great fun to watch young children learning about their world from outdoor play. How does ice feel and sound? Can sticks stand up in sand? How do plants grow? Why do we slide down instead of up? What is a shadow? What are the squirrels collecting? How can I build a structure that is really high? Can many bodies fit in a boat? Do butterflies have to learn to fly? Can I climb to the top of the big tree stump?  

And, this is the time of the year you can support the children’s rich play by participating in two spring events. 

On the Spring Family Work Day on Saturday, April 22 (9 am-noon) interested PIC families can volunteer to help with PIC “jobs” both inside and out. There will be outdoor opportunities for gardening and planting, as well as indoor opportunities for organizing spaces and cleaning materials.

The Day of Play on Saturday, April 29 (10am-1pm) is our annual spring community event that takes place on our Nature Playground. There will be many nature-inspired activities for children (and their grown ups), a book reading corner, entertainment and food for all. Feel free to bring neighbors, friends and grandparents! 

I know that I join many in welcoming the spring. And how I again look forward to watching children delight and discover in their outdoor play and learning.