Anti-Bias Resources for Families

Updates & additions ongoing
We encourage families to speak about social justice at home. We must show children how to recognize and respond to bias, and have age-appropriate conversations with them even when it is hard. Here is a growing list of resources to help you navigate the challenging times we face.
Anti-Bias Resources for Adults:
- An age-by-age guide to talking to your kids about gender (Today's Parent)
- How To Talk To Young Kids About Gender (Talk with your Kids)
- How to Talk to Little Girls (Huffington Post)
Anti-Racism Resources for Adults:
- What to the slave is July 4th
Frederick Douglass descendants deliver his 4th of July speech (NPR) - Resources to Combat Anti-Asian Racism (Free Library of Phila)
- Some of us tried to warn America this was coming (Philadelphia Inquirer)
Op-Ed by 6ABC reporter and anchor Nydia Han - Stop AAPI Hate (City of Philadelphia)
- Antiracist Parenting Right from the Start (Zero to 3)
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Resource Guide (Impact100)
- PBS Docuseries Asian Americans
- Addressing Anti-Asian Bias (Learning for Justice)
- Talking to Young Children about Bias and Prejudice
(ADL blog post) - COVID-19 vaccines have gone mostly to white Philadelphians
Philadelphia Inquirer - How Racism Can Affect Child Development
(Harvard University) - Obama on the 'Maddening' Normalcy of Racism
National Public Radio - George Floyd. Ahmaud Arbery. Breonna Taylor. What do we tell our children?
USA Today interview with Beverly Daniel Tatum & Erlanger Turner - The Top 5 Reasons Well-Meaning White Parents Do Not Discuss Race with Their White Children
A Striving Parent blog post - Embrace Race
Raise a generation of children who are thoughtful, informed, and brave about race - Talking about Race online portal
From The National Museum of African American History and Culture - Talking to Children After Racial Incidents
Penn Graduate School of Education News - Talking with Children: Racism, Police, Protest
From Aha! - Teaching Young Children About Race
From Teaching for Change - They're not too young to talk about race infographic
Children's Community School blog post - We Need More White Parents to Talk to Their Kids About Race, Especially Now
The Washington Post - Beyond the Golden Rule
A parents guide on prejudice from Teaching Tolerance - Embracing Anti-Bias Education
from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) - Anti-Racism Resources for White People
A resource list for white people to deepen anti-racist work - 75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice
Resources For Children:
- ABCs of Racial Literacy (Sesame Street)
- Picture Books by Asian Authors/Illustrators (Free Library of Phila)
- Sharing Picture Books that Nurture Positive Self-Identity (Zero to Three)
- Celebrating 30 Black Illustrators (
- Best Books for Young Readers 2020
- Early Childhood Anti-Bias Book List
Social Justice Books - Wee the People
Social justice project for children ages 4-12 - Black Baby Books
- 31 Children's Books to Support Conversations on Race, Racism, & Resistance
Books for ages 4 - 12 that show how people of all ages and races have worked to disrupt racism. - The Children's Peace Library
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