Posts in 'Community Resources'

Community Resources

Butterflies Lead Teacher Dieynaba Diaw and Executive Director Jamila Carter led a Coffee & Conversation in February about the topic Celebrating Differences: How to Talk to Young Children About Race. Below are some resources they shared. Resources: Talking to Young Children About Race Colorful...
Thoughts from CHOP physician Dr. Kaitlin Brandstadter on vaccinating children ages 5 and up. Kaitlin's son Gabriel is a Roadrunner. She recently reached out to Roadrunner families and has agreed to share this with the entire PIC community. "As a CHOP primary care pediatrician who routinely...
PIC's new Lunch 'n Learn series (formerly known as Coffee & Conversation) will start next month. Note the dates and topics below. Join us for monthly one hour Lunch 'n Learn sessions at noon on Zoom where we will discuss child development and the challenges of parenting at every age. First session...
a message from Executive Director, Deb Green To use an old adage, "history always repeats itself,” and each time it does we are collectively shocked and saddened. Last year was a testament to that. How easily we forget. Think about the history of voter suppression, public education, and especially...
In a Global Community The 2019 novel coronovirus is all over the news, and last week PIC received several emails with information and fact sheets to share with families about the illness. As always, please know that PIC teachers and staff follow strict health and safety protocols everyday to reduce...