Tuition & Affordability

Preschoolers working with light and shadows

All families, regardless of income level, should have access to the same level of quality care.

2024 - 2025 Monthly Tuition

Ages/Program5 days4 days3 daysDrop In-Day*
Part-Day Pre-School$980$880$745$100
Pre-K Counts Extended$510n/a  n/an/a
After School Center$665$610$580$70 afternoon / $115 full day


  • Drop-in Days are for current PIC families only.
  • Families can expect a minimum of a 3% rate increase per year.

To compare our monthly rates with a program that quotes weekly rates, divide by 4.3.

Tuition Details

Early Learning Program: 
Tuition is based on the number of days per week that your child is cared for at PIC, with a minimum of three days per week. Lunch and two snacks per day are included. Tuition decreases when your child moves to the next age group.

After School Center:
Tuition is based on 9 equal payments from September through May. Tuition for the months of August and June will be prorated, dependent upon the school start and end dates set by the Philadelphia School District calendar. Tuition and the number of full-day holiday care is based on the number of days per week that your child is cared for at PIC. All children have care on school half-days and receive afternoon snack.

  • 5-day Enrollment = 10 full-day holidays
  • 4-day Enrollment = 7 full-day holidays
  • 3-day Enrollment = 5 full-day holidays

Summer Camp:
Details on our Summer Camp tuition are listed on our Summer Camp Program page.

Calendar Closings

PIC will be closed on the following days in the 2025-2026 year:

  • 7/4 - Independence Day
  • 8/20, 21, 22 - Staff In-service Days
  • 9/1 - Labor Day
  • 11/27, 28 - Thanksgiving
  • (TBD) - Winter Break
  • 1/19 - Martin Luther King, Jr Day
  • 2/16 Presidents Day
  • March In-service Day (TBD)
  • 5/25 - Memorial Day
  • 6/19 - Juneteenth Holiday

Additional Fees

Facilities Fee: 
Each September, families at PIC are charged an annual fee of $100. Families on subsidy pay $50. This fee is applied directly to funding PIC's facilities needs and improvements. 

Early Care: We are not offering an Early Care option at this time.
Early morning Care is available for children enrolled in our Early Learning program  from 7:30 - 8:00 am for $9 per day or $40 per week.

Publicly-funded Programs

PIC is committed to building a community that represents a diversity of socio-economic levels and we accept applications from families who receive state subsidies to help meet their child care expenses.

Child Care Works (CCW):
PIC accepts applications from families who receive CCW. If you have a child who needs child care while you work or go to school, and your total annual family income is 200% or less of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, you may be eligible for this subsidy.

To speak to someone about how CCW can help you and your family, call 888-461-KIDS (5437) or visit the Child Care Works page on the PA DHS website.

Pennsylvania's Pre-K Counts program:
PIC partners with the School District of Philadelphia to offer PA's Pre-K Counts program, which provides no cost pre-kindergarten education for eligible children ages 3 to 5. The program is free for those who qualify and operates on an academic calendar year (September - June). Read more about Pre-K Counts at PIC.

PIC Tuition Fund
In addition, PIC fundraising efforts support a modest Tuition Fund to help currently enrolled families who cannot meet the full cost of care. Applications are due May 31 for the next fiscal year and families are notified about financial awards by June 15. We understand that individual circumstances change and assistance requests are accepted throughout the year.