After School Center

School-agers share a story on the Nature Playground

After a long day at school, children need time to unwind, expend some energy and play with friends. We understand the importance of high quality out-of-school time care and are proud to be accredited by the Council on Accreditation.

If families encounter difficulties applying online through Brightwheel, contact Anjerrica "Jerri" Torrence at


PIC's After School Center (ASC) offers time for outdoor free play, opportunities for hands-on learning, and time for homework assistance.

Special interest clubs form the richest part of the ASC curriculum and are offered five days per week. Club choices have included 3-D modeling, cooking, sports, arts and crafts, computers, gardening, dance and other performing arts, and many more. The clubs range in topics and activities depending on the interests of the children and talents of the staff.

Ages and Enrollment

The After School Center at PIC serves children entering grades K-4 for the school year 2024-2025. Families may enroll children for 3, 4 or 5 days per week.


Program hours are from 3 to 6 pm Monday through Friday. The ASC is open on many school holidays and half days (see Holiday Care below).

Pick up Transportation

We currently provide transportation by van from the Samuel Powel School. Van space is very limited and cannot be guaranteed. Teachers meet and walk with children from Lea School and Penn Alexander School.


Children are assigned to one of five age groups and classrooms are based in three buildings.

Sweet Building


Dragontails - kindergarten


Burrow BuildingOpossums - first grade
The Aviary

Hawks - second grade

Eagles - third grade

Owls - fourth grade

Typical Day

Upon arrival, children play outdoors, weather permitting.  Some change from school uniforms to play clothes, other children take the opportunity to do homework. At about 4:00 pm, after washing hands, all gather for snack in their designated classroom or age group, followed by the "send off" to various special interest clubs.

Following daily clubs, which range from 40 minutes to an hour in duration, children engage in free play or homework time until they are picked up by a grown up.

Holiday Care

We offer full-day care on School District of Philadelphia holidays and part-day care when children are released early for scheduled half days or for weather emergencies (PIC often remains open when schools close). Holiday care may include special activities or trips to nearby points of interest. Families may enroll for School Holiday care only.

Tuition and Enrollment

Children currently enrolled in our After School Center are re-enrolled automatically for the following year. Rising kindergarten families must complete an application. Rising kindergarten enrollment is first come, first serve and current PIC families are given preference through March 8, 2024. After March 8, 2024 After School enrollment is open to external families.

After School Center 2024 tuition is available on our Tuition and Affordability page. Families can expect an increase over the 24-25 tuition.

Application fee: There will be a $35 one time, non-refundable application fee for the After School Center.

Learn more in the Enrollment section of our website.

Enrollment Contact

Anjerrica "Jerri" Torrence 
Enrollment Coordinator 