
Learn about upcoming events, program-related reminders, and other exciting things happening at PIC!

On November 29, on #GivingTuesday, we officially launched our end-of-year fundraising campaign that will give more children a better today, so that they see a better tomorrow. Your gift will give more children a chance to experience high quality learning at PIC. Every day at PIC, our children engage...
We've just wrapped up two amazing days of welcoming Grandparents and Grand Friends. We had a great turnout with close to 120 guests who took time to discover what goes on in PIC classrooms. We thank them all!
On November 29, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season of holiday and end-of-year giving. It is easy to share about PIC's participation in #GivingTuesday. Just email, post, and tweet about how important PIC is to you. EMAIL On #GivingTuesday, please join me in making a donation to the Parent...
On Tuesday, November 29th, PIC is taking part in #GIVINGTUESDAY, a worldwide day set aside to GIVE and GIVE BACK. Last year over 700,000 people around the world took part in #GivingTuesday, raising over $116 million dollars for their favorite charities and the things that are most important to them...
What happens below the four-foot level Those of us who communicate through the medium of in-the-classroom-notes or the PIC newsletter are adults. As adults, we hope to convey something interesting about children’s programming at PIC, such as a classroom innovation, or a STEM initiative that is...
We have exciting news! We have just hung a show of children's art from last month's ArtStart event at University City's Metropolitan Bakery & Cafe! After attending ArtStart last month and seeing such an impressive showing of children's art, Metropolitan owners Jim and Marcy Lilly invited us to have...
written by Dragontails Lead Teacher Paul Graff They love art! If you know a kindergartener, odds are you know an artist. One would think that, after a full day of schoolwork, the last thing a five year old child would want to do is sit in a chair with a pencil in hand. And yet, this year’s...
written by Rainbows Lead Teacher Joanne Browley Loose Parts, Provocations, Oh My! Completing a Reggio-inspired training recently has peeked my curiosity and professional hunger for something new and exciting. The training was called Loose Parts, Provocations, Oh My! and it triggered my own early...
An experiential study of community At ages 3-4 years, children begin opening themselves up to the world. In turn they navigate a world much bigger than the one they’ve previously known. Models of child development such as Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems theory and Vygotsky's constructivist...
On Tuesday, November 29, PIC will participate in #GivingTuesday, a worldwide movement for a day of generosity. Created in 2012, #GivingTuesday follows on the heels of Black Friday and Cyber Monday and encourages you to give to the organizations most important you . Next year, PIC will continue our...