
Learn about upcoming events, program-related reminders, and other exciting things happening at PIC!

Focus on Quality Sustainability “Quality” is the buzzword in most conversations about early childhood and school age programs. Research shows and it is widely recognized that children enrolled in high-quality programs are strongly associated with positive developmental outcomes and school success...
PIC"s Storytime in Clark Park has had a great season! This year, the program ran from mid-June until the week before Labor Day. Families gathered at the turtle sculpture on Thursday evenings promptly at 7:00 pm for read-aloud stories for children ages 7 and under. Many brought blankets and picnics...
Each year, the Parent-Infant Center hosts its Kindergarten Playdate to bring together families about to take this important next step in their child's education. The afternoon included the chance to meet other families with children heading into kindergarten, as well as families with children on...
The ArtStart Committee has just released that these exciting new items will be up for auction at ArtStart on October 20. For all you dance enthusiasts out there, you will have a chance to bid upon... A Night at the NutcrackerEnjoy four tickets from the Pennsylvania Ballet's performance of the...
Last Wednesday, PIC families gathered on the blacktop for some watermelon slices and a chance to mingle outside of the normally hectic times of drop-off and pick-up. PIC's ArtStart Event Committee handed out "Save the Date" bags of popcorn and asked everyone to put October 20 on their calendar for a...
Handmade Sock Monkey This hand-sewn monkey, specially made for ArtStart, is waiting for a forever home. He has been created and donated by Elizabeth Zack, a friend of ArtStart chair Mary Beth Fedirko. Are You an ArtStart Star in the Making?! What’s your talent?! Do you have a friend with a talent...
Playing in modern times Keys, phone, and a wallet full of cards…these are the ubiquitous tools of modern times. The Moonbeams are aware of their importance in the lives of adults, and that awareness has trickled into their play. The teachers have amassed a collection of expired bus passes, zero...
We always love hearing from PIC alumni! We recently caught up with Kate Devlin about her time at PIC and what she is up to today. Here's what she had to say: "I was enrolled at PIC from about 1988-1991, and I also spent several summers at PIC Summer Camp after that. I remember riding on big wheels...
Thanks to everyone who spoiled your supper at PIC's annual Ice Cream Social last week! We had such a sweet time.
Fireflies and Facilities This is the summer for the Fireflies! During the week of August 8, the Fireflies classroom will undergo a much needed overhaul that will include the installation of new flooring, counter tops, and cabinets, and a fresh coat of paint. The Peanuts room (next door to the...