We Celebrated Safia at PIC

Last month PIC celebrated Safia Abdullah and her 30 years of service to the children and families at PIC.
It was an ambitiously planned surprise party. And with a little bit of conniving, a little bit of lying, a little bit of whispering, and a lot of luck, we really GOT her good!
Over 100 PIC families, alumni, staff, and members of Safia's family came together to celebrate with food, drink, and by sharing lots of good memories.
Through the stories told about Safia, it was clear that this is one special lady. Over and over we heard of her direct manner, straight-shooting style, and great humor.
Over her 30 years, Safia has watched PIC grow and her position change. But one thing that remains unchanged is that children and their families is what our work is all about.