
Learn about upcoming events, program-related reminders, and other exciting things happening at PIC!

A season of gratitude In this season of giving thanks, I have a heightened awareness for all the thanks to go around at PIC. This is a community of caring, of dedication, of reflection on our past and of intentionality about our future. At PIC, I am so grateful for… A NATION that is understanding so...
At PIC's Fall Family Festival we celebrated the season with lots of fun. Children experienced play-dough, glue goop, spaghetti worms, and pools full of leaves. Young artists used acorns covered in paint to make masterpieces. Outside there was a giant parachute set up over the slide. Some children...
On October 20, more than 200 parents, alumni, friends, and staff gathered for a glamorous evening celebrating the golden age of cinema. Guests were warmly welcomed by a red carpet, paparazzi, a photo booth to capture the fun, the premiere of PIC’s latest film, and live music from the Philadelphia...
Thank You Saturday Volunteers! Thanks to everyone who came out and helped on a VERY productive Saturday Work Day. Over 250 pieces of artwork were mounted in preparation of Thursday's ArtStart fundraiser-- every child has a piece in the show! Event supplies were brought over to the chapel, we painted...
As ArtStart gets closer, we have decided to launch a 7-day photo challenge and hope you will join the fun! This year’s slide show at ArtStart is titled Are You Ready for Your Closeup? Each day you will be asked to snap a special photo of your PIC kid(s). You can post that photo on our facebook page...
written by Kharma Hicks, Infant/Toddler Coordinator The importance of tummy time Tummy time, as we like to call it, helps strengthen the muscles in the neck, back, arms and shoulders, and promotes large motor skills. Research suggests that babies that spend time on their tummies are more likely to...
All ages and stages The Wild Thing classroom is a room mixed with infants and young toddlers. Creating a lesson plan designed to meet everyone’s needs is important. In order to plan activities that are age appropriate for everyone, we use a teaching method called Differentiation Instruction...
Building friendships As we begin the school year with new children joining into the Leapfrog classroom, we wanted to get to know each other. Learning more about each Leapfrog supports relationship development between the teachers, as well as peer to peer. To learn more about each Leapfrog, we went...
With over 100 items up for auction, there is bound to be something just for you, such as: Eagles vs the Falcons from Executive Seats Stay in Stowe, Vermont Top-secret review meal with Craig LaBan "Tax Day" Progressive Dinner Lots of Birthday Party Packages Poconos Long Weekend Dad's Hat Whiskey...
Join me at ArtStart October is such a full month at PIC with many chances for us to come together as a community. Coming up is a center-wide work day, which is a great chance for you to get in some PPP hours while meeting more families. At the end of the month there is the Fall Family Festival, a...