
Learn about upcoming events, program-related reminders, and other exciting things happening at PIC!

Aside from being a PIC mom, Lauren Herrmann is the rabbi at Congregation Kol Tzedek of West Philadelphia. This past week, congregation members put up a sukkah in Clark Park to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. In honor of the festivities, Lauren invited PIC preschool classes to visit the...
More Sand Play When our “tot lot” was under renovation recently, the Wild Things teachers discovered different and more creative ways to get everyone outside. We have been going on interesting neighborhood walks, playing in the Penn Alexander grassy areas, and spending time in the sandbox near the...
Word Power in the Afternoons When children start to read, they begin to discover the power of words. As a child mouths the words in a story, he learns that words can evoke feelings, or paint a picture for his imagination. When a teacher reinforces the idea that words are powerful and evocative tools...
It all started with the leaves The Starfish recently found several leaves on a tree at Penn Alexander's playground. Upon closer observation, they noticed how these leaves were the same. They all had bulbous growths on their undersides that opened up to holes on the tops of the leaves. This began a...
On Thursday, October 9, PIC recognized and thanked the many supporters who helped us create the Magic Circle Nature Playground. In honor of these important families, alumni and friends of PIC, three metal butterfly sculptures have been mounted upon wooden posts and are "flying" over the children as...
Let's Pretend The Doodlebugs have discovered new and exciting things through dramatic play. The children love gathering pretend food and placing items into small bags. Maya, Sebastian and Uzayr are now standing, taking steps and walking. Exploring the kitchen area is a new experience for them. They...
Thanks to everyone who came out and helped on a VERY productive Saturday work day. Over 250 pieces of artwork were mounted in preparation of Thursday's ArtStart fundraiser--every child has a piece in the show! Event supplies were also brought over to the chapel. Shelves were built in what is to...
Here are 10 more reasons to come to ArtStart on October 16, 2014. Learn more and download your invitation. 1. Kids Nature Hike Led by PIC Teachers Send your child off for a group nature hike led by PIC Teachers Joann Schock (Fireflies) and Christel Urmenyhazi (Roadrunners). This will be a hike of up...
Don't miss these great auction items at ArtStart on October 16. 1. Week in Cape Cod Spend a week at this cottage located in a secluded location in Wellfleet, MA. Features parking for 2 cars and a 10-minute walk to child-friendly beach on Cape Cod Bay. 30 minutes to Provincetown. House sleeps 6. 2nd...
Starting New Traditions After attending this year’s fall potlucks, I continue to be in awe of the wonderful traditions that have been established at PIC, potlucks being primary among them. I have been told that our summer traditions of Watermelon Wednesday, Lemonade Lull, and the Spoil-Your-Supper...