Great Grandfriends Days

Grandparents and friends at PIC
Last week, families invited their "grandparents/friends" to visit PIC. Our special guests were not only from the Philadelphia area, but also came from Florida, California, Michigan, China, India, and Mexico. 
Grandparents in the Sunshine roomOver coffee and pastries, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and friends of our children met each other, bragged about the grandkids, and looked for familiar faces in a slide show. We even had some great-grandparents who came to play!
Executive Director Deb Green welcomed everyone and talked about what makes PIC such a special place. PIC Board Member Margaret Balamuth, whose four grandchildren are PIC alumni, spoke on both days about her family’s experience while at PIC and her experience as a board member.
Families went to the Early Learning classrooms for morning programs such as “Making Pancakes,” "Share a favorite book” and “Life with the Bumblebees.”
Over 60 grandfriends shared classroom time and met their grandchildren’s teachers and friends. Some had a chance to play on the playground and ride tricycles on the blacktop.
It was wonderful to meet the extended families of our children and welcome them to the PIC community.
Welcome to PIC Grandparents and friends
Grandma in the Rainbows
Grandma with her Caterpillar
Grandparents in the baby room
Four generations of family
PIC teacher and grandma with her Peanut
Grandparents in the Roadrunners
Grandfather in the Roadrunners