Annual Letter from the Executive Director

PIC Annual Fund Kid Collage

December 2014

I recently spoke with the parent of a PIC alumni who proudly shared with me her daughter’s recent successes. She credited PIC with giving her a wonderful start during her early childhood years. She fondly talked about traditions, projects, field trips, teachers, and friends. 
I was amazed to learn that her daughter had left PIC over twenty years ago and yet she spoke about these memories as if it were yesterday.  
This same mom went on to talk about her own experience at PIC. She talked about moving from California with her young family, knowing no one in Philadelphia, and how she found such a strong sense of community at PIC. 
She talked about her fears as a new mom and how the teachers at PIC listened to her, comforted and reassured her. She laughed as she shared that all these years later she still has regular pot-luck dinners at her house, a tradition that she learned during her time at PIC.
She ended by saying “PIC matters.”
I share this particular story because it is one that I hear often and while each story has its own unique flavor, they are all woven together by the themes of community and connections for children and their families.
Please join us in our commitment to children and their families by giving to our Annual Fund. With your gift, we will continue to provide the highest quality programming that is the landmark of PIC, retain knowledgeable and supportive teachers, and connect families with one another. And, we will leave children and families with lasting memories. Because PIC matters!
As you gather with your own family this holiday season, best wishes for a happy, healthy and peaceful new year!
Debbie L. Green Signature
Debbie L. Green
Executive Director
PS: It’s easy to give to PIC! Make your end-of-the-year donation online today!