Family Fun at Book Fest

Last month's Family Book Fest was a wonderful morning filled with crafts, music, stories, and most importantly, books!
Volunteers from University of the Sciences helped us set the stage by working with teachers to create a crafting area, a snack table, and the ever popular Book Swap.
As we welcomed families from PIC and the neighborhood, Executive Director Deb Green kicked things off by reading aloud from one of her favorites, Mortimer by Robert Munsch. The crowd easily joined along in the refrain, "Clang! Clang! Raddle-bing-bang, gonna make my noise all day!"
Next, Fireflies Lead Teacher Joann Schock shared another classic and crowd favorite, Green Eggs and Ham.
This year, Swati Chaturvedi brought Bollywood to the Book Fest. She taught the children (and grown-ups!) some dance moves, while her daughter Misha inspired us with elegant hand gestures and toe-tapping rhythms.
Carla Wiley from the Philadelphia Free Library told us tall tales of Ansi's tricks, and then Anthony Coppa sang lots of silly songs, inviting the children up onto the stage to play along on percussion instruments.

The morning wrapped up with some animated book reading by our friend and neighbor Kathy O'Connell, host of WXPN's Kids Corner.
Book lovers from two month old babies to grandmas and grandpas enjoyed the morning, many leaving with new (or nearly new) books to treasure from the Book Swap or the Bindlestiff Bookstore table.