
Learn about upcoming events, program-related reminders, and other exciting things happening at PIC!

As we just completed our every-five-year NAEYC reaccreditation validation visit, it seems like an appropriate time to share a bit of information about the organizations that provide oversight of PIC and how that oversight affects our daily work at PIC. All child care programs in the state need to be...
We are in the process of looking at the results of our annual PIC Early Learning Family Feedback Survey that had a completion deadline last week. A separate survey is being sent to families in the After School Center and we will look at those results when that survey is completed. We are happy to...
Our plant sale days were beautiful and brought out families, community members and alumni to St. Andrews Chapel. This year’s Plant Sale raised $32,000! All of the proceeds of the fundraiser go to the tuition assistance fund. The fund has been helping more families have access to quality early...
The Importance of Critical Thinking While on the playground on a recent picture-perfect spring afternoon, I observed a group of four and five-year-olds gathered around one of the tall trees. Apparently a stuffed animal cat had been thrown in the air and was stuck on a limb of the tree. The children...
Child assessments are an integral part of your child’s education here at the PIC. And they are a helpful tool in showing social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth. In the early learning program, staff complete three assessments per year using Teaching Strategies Gold, the assessment tool...
What is it about Sensory Play? by Laura Graham One of the most engaging activities for the Caterpillar children is playing with sensory materials. Whether it is water, sand, soil, or play dough, we see the materials inspire joyful and focused exploration that the children return to again and again...
Talking and Listening by Carolanne Mitchell If there is one thing I have learned about nine and ten- year-olds in my years of working with this age group it is that they love to talk! Mostly, children this age will talk to each other, but some will talk just to talk. Children of this age have a lot...
Babies, Babies Everywhere! by Kristen Carter We are delighted that a number of our Moonbeams are going to be big brothers and sisters soon! News of a pending new arrival is exciting, scary and emotional for a toddler. When telling the news to your two or three year old that he or she is going to...
Quality Out-of-School-Time for ALL On a lovely sunny day early this month, I was fortunate to accompany the after school children on a day trip to Wissahickon Park’s nature center, near Chestnut Hill College. We enjoyed hands-on educational programming in the woods: one program was geared to the...
Roadrunners Gain Independence by Christel Ürményházi In the area of self-care, Roadrunner teachers foster children's growing independence by meeting them at their current stage of development and then offering them opportunities to challenge themselves as they gain mastery and confidence. An example...