
Learn about upcoming events, program-related reminders, and other exciting things happening at PIC!

According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2020's Week of the Young Child™ is more important than ever. NAEYC writes, "While the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives in many ways, it hasn’t changed the need to celebrate and support young children and the adults who...
Executive Director Deb Green shares one of her favorite children's books, Mortimer, in a video below.
As of the end of the day today, PIC will be closed through Friday, March 27, 2020. In light of Governor Wolf’s recent announcement closing all schools in Pennsylvania for the next two weeks, as well as the School District of Philadelphia’s decision to close, PIC will also be closing for the next two...
The 2020 Community Potlucks were a great success! There were nine host locations and plenty of families in attendance. Thank you to all our hosts and participating families! You are building a strong and supportive community for our children.
Updated 3/13/20: Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the 2020 Day of Play has been cancelled. More information about any community events and gatherings will be communicated as it becomes available. Mark your calendars for PIC's Day of Play on Saturday, April 25. Then tell friends and neighbors about this...
PIC says a resounding thank you to the City Block Team for returning as a PIC Business Sponsor in 2020! Jeff “City” Block has been a strong supporter of PIC over the years, and his continued sponsorship makes a meaningful impact on the lives of Philadelphia children and their families. Thank you...
a monthly message from Deb Green The transition to Kindergarten is a very big change for children and their families. It is also something that most families will soon face. Preparing for this transition can be extremely anxiety provoking. For parents, Kindergarten marks the end of an era of early...
In a Global Community The 2019 novel coronovirus is all over the news, and last week PIC received several emails with information and fact sheets to share with families about the illness. As always, please know that PIC teachers and staff follow strict health and safety protocols everyday to reduce...
a monthly message from Deb Green February 2020 I doubt you need to be reminded that 2020 is an election year where the stakes are high on all fronts, especially for our children. I recently came across an article about a bill that was introduced in Florida to include an A-F school grading system for...

On Sunday, January 26, nearly 200 families came out for the love of literacy. Children and grownups were captivated by read-aloud stories and music, participated in art activities, and chose from the large collection of free take-away books. We are grateful to our Community Connections Committee for...