Happy to Be Back at PIC
a message from Deb Green
Sometimes you don’t even know how much you miss something until it’s gone.
After being away for nearly 4 months, I knew I would be happy to be back at PIC. What I did not realize was the joy I would feel just seeing kids doing what kids do best—running, playing, laughing, and being with friends.
Reopening was an achievement, but not without a great deal of stress and anxiety. After just three days, I am thrilled that the screening and temperature-taking process is going according to plan.
After so much time home with their families, I expected to see children have a hard time saying goodbye. It was touching to see a teacher who was welcoming twins on the blacktop bend down, briefly pull down her mask (from a safe distance), and say, “It’s me.” That familiarity is what they needed to take her hand.
There were many children who were visibly happy to be back and it appeared as if nearly four months away from PIC had never happened. By the end of the day, I overheard many say to their families, "But I don't want to go home."
This month we will welcome over 100 Early Learning families and that number will continue to climb through August and September. Next week, an additional 60 children will join our Summer Camp program. This gives us an opportunity to slowly "ramp up" and put into practice all the careful planning that has gotten us to this place.
It is clear that months of hard work by PIC’s Reopening Task Force and the support of Board members, administrators, and teachers have served us well. I am hoping beyond hope that our community stays healthy and PIC stays open.
These are difficult times, yet even when things get tough, I know that the children will always carry me through.
Thank you for believing in PIC.