Everything you need to know - from Deb Green This is the time of year when many children approach the older end of the age range for the classrooms that they are currently in. It is a time when you begin to have questions about children moving to the next age group. I hope that this memo answers at...
Our Day of Play event to be held on May 20 is growing up around our long-standing spring Plant Sale. With good weather on the way, many of you will begin imagining your gardens, window boxes, and porch displays. And, you may have already noticed some early blooms of hellebores from past PIC plant...
The Afterschool Spreads its Wings In a whirl of boxes, crates, tables, chairs, and pianos, without interrupting its programming for the children, the Afterschool teachers and six friendly, burly movers dismantled and transported four classrooms to new locations during a blustery week at the...
A sound study Rainbow teachers were confident that a sound study would engage the Rainbows since they amuse us with sounds that they themselves create as they play. We noticed they show awareness of the sounds of our PIC neighborhood and the sounds we hear from the preschool classroom above us. T he...
This year, PIC was honored to participate in the annual conference organized by the Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children (DVAEYC) in an unprecedented way. We served as a satellite site for conference workshops, which also gave us the chance to shine a spotlight on our...
Music and movement As winter melts away, the Peanuts are raring to get outside as much as we can. Once outside preschoolers really move and express themselves freely. The Peanut focus of study naturally turned to movement. We began documenting how the Peanuts liked to move on the playground, and...
Did you Hear That? For the past weeks, the Bees have been studying sounds and exploring where they come from. We did not have to search far for sound, because sound is literally bursting all around us. As we open our classroom windows we hear dogs barking as they trot down the street, children...
Upcoming in the Starlights As the days start to warm up and spring break is in the offing, the Starlights are on the move. We will soon take a trip to Awbury Arboretum to learn about the Native Americans that lived in this area long ago. What did they eat? What were their homes like? What type of...
We doubled last year's turnout! Nearly 50 families participated in the 2017 Community Potlucks (with one more this weekend)...that's over 150 grown-ups and children gathering around food, family, and fellowship through PIC! With nine nearby host sites, all ages and close to all classrooms were...
Last week, I spent several days in Washington, D.C. representing the Parent-Infant Center at the Public Policy Forum sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Forty-six states were represented at the Forum and I was honored to be part of the Pennsylvania...