Classroom Blogs

Find out what is happening in the classrooms.

Building from the ground up The Peanuts have been investigating buildings of all sorts. We started with a discussion of the different aspects of buildings, such as the foundation, the walls, the roof, the floors, and built collaborative sculptures during meeting times. The Peanuts were encouraged to...
PIC opens a new preschool classroom On Monday, the Hummingbirds joined the ranks of the Fireflies, Grasshoppers, Leapfrogs, Peanuts, Roadrunners, and Starfish-- the names of the our other preschool classrooms . On their first day, the new classroom was a flutter of activity as the children spent...
New Discoveries Young infants and toddlers are brand new to the world! Everything the children are exposed to for the first time is very special. Recently the Wild Things were introduced to new friends who have colorful wings and big eyes! A Wild Thing teacher raised caterpillars who transformed...
Super Staff I am mindful throughout the year of the talent that abounds in Philadelphia: young and young-at-heart teachers who are dedicated to working with children, whether they are pursuing a career in the arts, literacy, sciences, theater, physical therapy, music and/or special education. This...
On the go! The Sunshines have been having fun exploring different modes of transportation. We have been engaged in a variety of activities that help us learn about the different types of ways we can travel. The Sunshines painted with different vehicles as a recent art activity. They picked the...
Manipulative play The Doodlebugs are exploring new and familiar materials through manipulative play. Over the last few weeks we have been exploring objects, such as lego shapes, puzzles, magnets, small shovels and stacking cups. Our current Doodlebugs are children six months to two years old. This...
Exploring Power It is not uncommon to see children running around open spaces, chasing one another, perhaps even pointing pretend weapons at each other. Postures of heros, doctors, and even families show an understanding of natural orders of power. “Good guys” and “bad guys” are common archetypes in...
Building Bridges to Kindergarten The transition from prek to kindergarten is a big one. New teachers and a new school can be hard for most five year olds, not to mention the change from learning through play to direct instruction and more academic skill building. In the Starfish classroom we took a...
written by Roadrunner Teacher Danny Galpern Rough housing around It’s great to rough house with your child! When an adult allows a child to play energetically and offers lots of physical touch, it works magic on children. It helps your child get out their energy, notice their connection to you, and...
Talking with the Caterpillars Baba, dada, Bye Bye, Sing please? The Caterpillars just finished exploring sound, but our exploration continues with the chatter of the Caterpillars. From the youngest to the oldest, the Caterpillars are developing language. Our youngest Caterpillar gets the concept of...