In the Classroom: The Bumblebees

written by Lead Teacher Nicole Williams
Mushy, gritty, oozing mud!
Mud Day 2017 was everything I knew it would be and more!
This year, I was prepared. I made sure to wear water shoes, a short sleeve shirt, and pants that I could roll up to my knees. I was ready to get down and dirty.
As we entered the black top, loud squeals and joyous laughter became music to my ears. A smile slowly crept across my face, because I knew that the Bumblebees were going to have an awesome experience exploring mud.
To my surprise, I saw that some of the Bees were a little apprehensive to get into the huge pool of mud that lay before us. At that moment, I knew what I needed to do.
I left my inhibitions on the concrete and quickly stepped into the mud. I splashed and stomped around, while I threw my arms around wildly and shouted with joy.
Before I knew it, a few Bees had joined me in the mud. I grabbed the hands of two Bees and we began to jump.
In the midst of jumping, one of the Bees fell into the mud. A look of surprise spread across his face. He sat motionless with his hands raised high in the air.
I walked over to him and dug my hands deep into the muddy water. When I removed my hand, it was filled with mushy, gritty, oozing mud! He slowly reached for it.
At first, he began to use one of his fingers to poke small holes into the mountain of mud that I held. He then grabbed some of the mud from my hand and began smashing it into the palm of his hand.
At one point, I stood back and marveled at the children’s exploration and curiosity at work. I watched the children use scoopers to scoop mud and dump it onto their legs before washing it away with the water. I also saw a younger Bee curiously watching the older children splash in the mud before she decided to join in on the fun.
There was a lot of, splashing, rolling, squishing, sliding, making mud pies, and much more. Needless to say, I am already super excited about Mud Day 2018!