
Parent Infant Center infant and young toddler classrooms are mixed-age groups. Working with mixed-age groups can be challenging, but also extremely rewarding. In the Bumblebee classroom our children range from 2-months old to 21-months old. Whew! That is a vast difference! Sometimes older children...
Sensory is science! With sensory learning there is always more than what meets the eye. Children use their senses to play, to engage, and to explore with the unknowing intent to make sense of the world around them. Sensory learning is crucial to brain development and a natural occurrence for infants...
Exploring fall Its fall and the perfect time for exploring nature! During this season we can explore the changes in the plants, weather, and animals. The green leaves that once provided us shade on hot summer days are now turning into beautiful hues of red, orange, yellow, and brown before gently...
Caterpillar Expression The Caterpillars have had a busy summer as they continue to grow and change from infants to young toddlers. The children are challenging themselves with new language, movement, and creative expression. We have seen a new awakening with art. We once had friends that would not...
written by Lead Teacher Nicole Williams Mushy, gritty, oozing mud! Mud Day 2017 was everything I knew it would be and more! This year, I was prepared. I made sure to wear water shoes, a short sleeve shirt, and pants that I could roll up to my knees. I was ready to get down and dirty. As we entered...
New Discoveries Young infants and toddlers are brand new to the world! Everything the children are exposed to for the first time is very special. Recently the Wild Things were introduced to new friends who have colorful wings and big eyes! A Wild Thing teacher raised caterpillars who transformed...
Manipulative play The Doodlebugs are exploring new and familiar materials through manipulative play. Over the last few weeks we have been exploring objects, such as lego shapes, puzzles, magnets, small shovels and stacking cups. Our current Doodlebugs are children six months to two years old. This...
Talking with the Caterpillars Baba, dada, Bye Bye, Sing please? The Caterpillars just finished exploring sound, but our exploration continues with the chatter of the Caterpillars. From the youngest to the oldest, the Caterpillars are developing language. Our youngest Caterpillar gets the concept of...
Did you Hear That? For the past weeks, the Bees have been studying sounds and exploring where they come from. We did not have to search far for sound, because sound is literally bursting all around us. As we open our classroom windows we hear dogs barking as they trot down the street, children...
This sounds good! This month the Wild Things began learning about music and sound. We have been having fun listening to different genres of music, and having dance parties. The Wildthings enjoy dancing and moving, and they really have some great moves! Our toddlers enjoy singing, and they often do...


Classroom Assistant / Flex teacher
Classroom Assistant
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FLEX Teacher
Flex Teacher
Classroom Assistant
Classroom Assistant
Assistant Teacher
Classroom Assistant
Assistant Teacher