
Term Description - Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

So many clubs. So many choices. The After School's club curriculum offers children an ever-changing selection of interest-based activities to pursue. Excitement can always be found at the Dungeons and Dragons club! Children take on the roles of fantasy-themed warriors and work together to defeat...
Super Staff I am mindful throughout the year of the talent that abounds in Philadelphia: young and young-at-heart teachers who are dedicated to working with children, whether they are pursuing a career in the arts, literacy, sciences, theater, physical therapy, music and/or special education. This...
The Afterschool Spreads its Wings In a whirl of boxes, crates, tables, chairs, and pianos, without interrupting its programming for the children, the Afterschool teachers and six friendly, burly movers dismantled and transported four classrooms to new locations during a blustery week at the...
Upcoming in the Starlights As the days start to warm up and spring break is in the offing, the Starlights are on the move. We will soon take a trip to Awbury Arboretum to learn about the Native Americans that lived in this area long ago. What did they eat? What were their homes like? What type of...
Clubs: Choices and Challenges One of the best things about PIC's After School Center is the depth of our club curriculum. The variety of clubs is determined by children's interests and staff talents. Teachers and students are often exploring topics together, learning as they go. Here is a sampling...
Taking trips near and far The Starlights were super busy this summer taking trips both near and far. Locally, we saw wildlife, masterpieces, mummies, and real history when we visited the Bio-Pond, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology, and the Woodlands. At...
Varied and Unusual Clubs A recent series of clubs gave the Startlights some interesting hands-on opportunities for learning. During a club devoted to Egypt, we looked at timelines of interesting events and studied maps. We brainstormed a list of words pertaining to Egypt and talked about their...
You Can Go Home Again It feels like yesterday that I was packing up my classroom at Wilmington Friends School and looking forward to my summer at PIC as the Summer Camp Leader. I remember marveling at how quickly the school year had flown by and wondering what it might feel like to be back at camp...
The Horticultural Society visited the Starlights and Hawks classrooms one morning last week to judge the entries for next year's Junior Flower Show. The Starlights made hanging mobiles with items from our Recycleteria, using hangers, string, ribbon, and an array of objects from toy wheels to...
Starlights Participate in 2015 MLK Day of Service In 2014, the Starlights participated in the Day of Service by collecting much-needed supplies for the Schuylkill Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation. After last year's great success, we decided to participate in this important Day of Service again...


Assistant Teacher
Assistant Teacher
Assistant Teacher
Lead Teacher
Afterschool Flex Teacher
Lead Teacher