June Message from Anjali

Super Staff
I am mindful throughout the year of the talent that abounds in Philadelphia: young and young-at-heart teachers who are dedicated to working with children, whether they are pursuing a career in the arts, literacy, sciences, theater, physical therapy, music and/or special education. This year's summer camp is enhanced by a superlative coterie of teachers.
This year the camp welcomes the following new staff members, adding to our already strong teaching teams:
Meghan Fraatz joins us from PIC's Early Learning program, and is currently providing invaluable assistance in the Dragontail group as the pre-k kids transition to the world of school-age kid-dom! Thanks to her education and experience – an M.Ed from Keene State College and a BA in business administration from Temple – we will count on Meghan's flexibility to help with other summer-camp age groups as needed.
Amy Dempsey is a new Starlight teacher with training in Early Education and Special Education. She is currently working on her degree in those fields at St. Joseph's University. Amy sought out the camp position, having been highly impressed by the PIC ethic during a recent practicum in one of our pre-K classrooms.
Catricia Jones is a student at West Chester University (PA), with significant experience as a YMCA camp counselor. Cat also volunteered with the Dream Program, a Penn partnership in West Philadelphia, that helps elementary-school kids get an early start on thinking about college and enhancing their career opportunities.
Alexandra Stanton will soon complete a double-degree program (B.Sc and MA) at Temple University in Early Childhood and Special Education. Alex has mentored children in programs as diverse as Big Sisters and Brothers, to homework help at the Lenfest Center, to working with blind and visually-impaired participants in a sports program. Given Alex's highly-sought skills and training, the PIC Hawks group is fortunate to have attracted her attention!
Geremy Webne-Behrman is a graduate of Earlham College, and an alumnus of both the Lee Strasberg Institute of NYC and the Horizon Theatre Company of Atlanta. In addition to acting in community theater presentations, Geremy worked with children in a Shakespeare theater camp and has experience in film technique, stage combat, dance, and improv. The Hawks applaud Geremy's tenure with them this summer.
Claire Engelhardt graduated from Indiana University, Bloomington with a double major in Fine Arts and Human Biology, and a minor in Art History. Claire adds study-abroad experience in Florence, Italy, Thailand, and Vietnam to her gifts as an artist, ceramicist, gardener, EMT-trained first responder, and grill-cook at Chipotle! The Eagles will surely soar with Claire's help.
We are delighted to welcome back:
Starlight Alum, Tia Haas, aspiring professional photographer, and group-activity-organizer extraordinaire
Hawks Alum, Alfreda Davis, experienced behavioral management counselor, and candidate for most-favored-status with Hawks
Summer Art Specialist, Akira Hedrick, accomplished artist, with degrees from PAFA and University of the Arts, and a certified teacher in the Philadephia district.
Dance Specialist, Janine Beckles, in-demand teacher, and highly-sought-after dancer with the professional company at PhilaDanco.