
What an amazing day for all young children when Governor Tom Wolf comes to talk about the importance of supporting Early Childhood Education teacher education and making learning fun! Governor Wolf first visited with the Chipmunks classroom to make playdough before giving a press conference in the A...
Mixed age. Many benefits. When new families join the Caterpillars, they may be concerned with the classroom being a mixed-aged room, as are all the infant/young toddler classes at PIC. The present age range in the Caterpillars is 4-21 months. Families may wonder whether it’s best to leave their...
Caterpillar Expression The Caterpillars have had a busy summer as they continue to grow and change from infants to young toddlers. The children are challenging themselves with new language, movement, and creative expression. We have seen a new awakening with art. We once had friends that would not...
Talking with the Caterpillars Baba, dada, Bye Bye, Sing please? The Caterpillars just finished exploring sound, but our exploration continues with the chatter of the Caterpillars. From the youngest to the oldest, the Caterpillars are developing language. Our youngest Caterpillar gets the concept of...
written by Assistant Teacher Latosha Green What's happening in the Caterpillars? Change! Well, it’s transition time throughout the Center and there happens to be many changes in the Caterpillar room. The older Caterpillars are moving up, new Caterpillars are coming in and we have some coming back...
Spring has Sprung! With the season of spring upon us, the Caterpillar room has a lot more energy. What we have come to realize is that we all love the outdoors. We learned this during an exploration of our senses: hearing, taste, smelling, sight, and touch. While exploring the senses we have made...
So Much Sound The Caterpillars loved the study of sound!! Together we explored all types of sounds. We talked about different sounds, what sounds animals make, and what sounds we hear in our environment. On our daily walks we enjoyed stepping on leaves, listening as trucks drove by, and we...
written by Lead Teacher Joanna Footman Change, Exploration, and Learning The Caterpillar room has been very busy with transition! We have welcomed three new friends to the classroom, another friend has moved up, and I became the Caterpillar Lead Teacher. Infants love consistency, so I can just...
What is it about Sensory Play? by Laura Graham One of the most engaging activities for the Caterpillar children is playing with sensory materials. Whether it is water, sand, soil, or play dough, we see the materials inspire joyful and focused exploration that the children return to again and again...
Exploring Light and Color This month, the children in the infant and toddler classes at PIC are exploring light and color. Light, shadow, and color permeates everything we see and captures children’s interest from the earliest moments of infancy. Our intention in the classroom is to give the...


Classroom Assistant
Assistant Teacher
Lead Teacher
Part-time Flex Teacher
Assistant Teacher