In the Classroom: The Bumblebees

Did you Hear That?
For the past weeks, the Bees have been studying sounds and exploring where they come from. We did not have to search far for sound, because sound is literally bursting all around us. As we open our classroom windows we hear dogs barking as they trot down the street, children laughing on the Tot Lot as they scoop up sand, or the sound of the wheels on the push toys scraping against the concrete. Sound is everywhere!
To explore sound we ventured on a “sound walk” through PIC’s neighborhood. Along the way we collected a few sticks. We found some thick sticks, thin sticks, long sticks, and short sticks. As we were finding the sticks we did some listening. We heard the leaves crunching under our feet, a squirrel jumping through branches, and the wind blowing through the hoods of our coats.
After we found our sticks we went to make some noise! We banged on trees, the ground, and a light pole. As we banged, we listened to the different sounds the sticks made against each object. The Bees especially like banging on the light post. The hollow insides of the pole intensified the sound from the stick. We would hit the pole and it would echo the sound What a great time we had, but we were not finished exploring.
We also had the pleasure of listening to live music on several occasions. First, some children from the Peanut classroom serenaded the infant floor with some popular kid songs while Peanut teacher Kia Knight thumped her drum. Even our littlest Bees were moving and grooving in the hallway!
We were also invited to the Caterpillar classroom where we were treated to the sounds of a cello being beautifully played by a parent. In addition, the Bumblebee’s very own classroom assistant Olivia, plucked her acoustic guitar strings while the Bees danced and sang to their favorite songs!
As the Bees continue to explore sound, we want to invite everyone to explore with us. Encourage your child(ren) to explore, describe, create, and discover instruments, body sounds, animal sounds, sounds of nature, or sounds of familiar objects, such as pots, pans, bowls, etc. You will soon discover together that sound is everywhere!