Message from Anjali: Spreading wings

The Afterschool Spreads its Wings
In a whirl of boxes, crates, tables, chairs, and pianos, without interrupting its programming for the children, the Afterschool teachers and six friendly, burly movers dismantled and transported four classrooms to new locations during a blustery week at the beginning of March. Down and up multiple flights of stairs, across snow drifts, through mud, and in the rain, the staff ensured that not a stick of furniture was broken, nor a child mis-placed!
Without the cheerful, dedicated enthusiasm of the teachers, the move couldn’t have happened. In any other setting, the program would have screeched to a halt.
As grateful as I am on a daily basis to work with a crew of the best afterschool teachers, I felt my heart swell with proud admiration as the teachers turned empty rooms into dynamic classroom spaces, cleaned, sorted and stored supplies, displayed children’s art, made beautiful signs, and welcomed the excited children into their new afterschool digs without skipping a beat.
The older children, that is, the Hawks and Eagles, warmly debated a name for their new home at 4243 Spruce Street, and came up with The Aviary. The Aviary boasts three floors of classrooms, including an “exclusive lounge.” The Stucco has been transformed into two distinct classrooms, each side exhibiting its own personality, and taking advantage of the ample light coming through the building’s large windows.
We are extremely fortunate at PIC to have a campus of our own, and now the the Afterschool enjoys a large “spread” across the South Bank, stretching effectively from 42nd to 43rd Streets.
With thanks to the Board members who negotiated our expansion, to the Executive Director for her vision, and to the ASC teachers, children and parents who embraced the change without demur. I look forward to the coming spring, summer and fall filled with fresh, new programming.