
For the past month the Bumblebees have been exploring the five senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. All of these senses help children get to know and understand the world around them. For the sense of sight, we added bright water colors inside of a squeeze bottle and placed a...
Does putting your child down for a nap or to bed at night seem a little challenging? Are some days more challenging than others? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything? Few families get through the early years without sleep struggles. Surely, there are no one-size-fits-all or easy answers for...
Bringing Good Things to Light The Doodlebugs have been exploring many ways to discover light. We are learning that light is something you can touch and yet, not really touch. How do we help young minds understand that? The teachers invite small hands to use a flashlight and practice holding and...
So Much Sound The Caterpillars loved the study of sound!! Together we explored all types of sounds. We talked about different sounds, what sounds animals make, and what sounds we hear in our environment. On our daily walks we enjoyed stepping on leaves, listening as trucks drove by, and we...
written by Kharma Hicks, Infant and Toddler Program Coordinator Promoting healthy social-emotional development with infants and toddlers consists of the ability to form trusting and rewarding relationships with others. Through play, the teachers help the children communicate and express their...
The Bees are on the Move! We have witnessed a huge sprout in gross motor skills in the Bumblebee classroom. Our once non-mobile babies are sitting up and reaching and grasping for toys; our former crawlers are standing and taking steps; and our walkers are now running! Gross motor skills include the...
Sounds of the Season In recent days, the Wild Things have been enjoying the much cooler, beautiful weather that fall is bringing us. After the renovation of our Tot Lot and the lovely weather we have had, our class has been spending much more time outside exploring, observing, and playing in the...
written by Lead Teacher Joanna Footman Change, Exploration, and Learning The Caterpillar room has been very busy with transition! We have welcomed three new friends to the classroom, another friend has moved up, and I became the Caterpillar Lead Teacher. Infants love consistency, so I can just...
written by Kharma Hicks, Infant/Toddler Program Coordinator At PIC we value offering high quality childcare and meeting the emotional needs of every child in our center. Particularly with infants and toddlers, we believe the development of a strong relationship between a child and a caregiver is an...
“the world is mud-licious and puddle-wonderful.” -ee cummings PIC joins schools, families, and children around the world in celebrating International Mud Day on June 29th, a joyous day of full-body contact with one of nature’s most basic materials. Humans have been working with mud as a creative and...


Classroom Assistant / Flex teacher
Classroom Assistant
Assistant Teacher
FLEX Teacher
Flex Teacher
Classroom Assistant
Classroom Assistant
Assistant Teacher
Classroom Assistant
Assistant Teacher