In the Classroom: The Bumblebees

The Bees are on the Move!
We have witnessed a huge sprout in gross motor skills in the Bumblebee classroom. Our once non-mobile babies are sitting up and reaching and grasping for toys; our former crawlers are standing and taking steps; and our walkers are now running!
Gross motor skills include the way a person uses their arms, legs, or whole body to make movements. As your baby grows, it’s the development of these muscles that will enable your baby to keep his/her head up and continue to develop all motor skills: sit, crawl, walk, run, jump and skip.
The transitions in mobility are wonderful to witness! The children are testing their abilities as well as their limits, and for some, their parent’s patience!
With so much crawling, climbing, rolling, and sitting comes the possibility of bruises, scratches, lumps and bumps. Sometimes we get so caught up in the fear of our child getting hurt that we forget that this is a fun and exciting time for the child.
It is important to encourage your children to explore in a safe and proactive way. For example, instead of discouraging children to climb up the stairs, stay within close proximity and explore with them. If that feels risky, invest in some foam climbers or small wooden steps that your child can climb onto.
Parks and playgrounds are excellent places for children to practice their gross motor skills and move their bodies through space. So explore tunnels, ladders, swings and slides just the right size for your little explorer. Most importantly, have fun!