In the Classroom: The Caterpillars

So Much Sound
The Caterpillars loved the study of sound!! Together we explored all types of sounds. We talked about different sounds, what sounds animals make, and what sounds we hear in our environment.
On our daily walks we enjoyed stepping on leaves, listening as trucks drove by, and we especially loved when a school bus would honk the horn at us. But, what we found that the Caterpillars love most is MUSIC!
The teachers often welcomed the Caterpillars with musical instruments on the table as they arrived in the morning. We began our morning meetings by singing songs! Our friend Colin would often grab maracas and shake them as we sing.
We found out that the sound of music helped the children with daily transitions from one activity to the next throughout the day. We saw how music would help our younger infants to calm down. One morning as the Caterpillars entered the room classical music played in the background. The music set the tone for this day.
It is good to introduce all types of music to infants and toddlers. Describing the music to the children helps develop language skills. We introduced words like "tempo" and asked the children questions such as, "is that slow tempo or fast tempo?"
Of course when we play their favorite CD of different songs like “Wheels on the Bus” or “Old McDonald,” the Caterpillars were ready to dance!! This helps with gross motor skills development as we all moved our bodies.
So, don't be afraid to break out in song at home. You can make up different songs for daily tasks to help build language. Be sure to dance and just have fun!