Classroom Blogs

Find out what is happening in the classrooms.

Having a Ball! Who doesn’t love a good ball? We have a number of children who are just in love with sports! Balls can be a source of great joy to many Grasshoppers, but for the teachers, they at times can be a big challenge. The overwhelming desire for competition that accompanies ball play is often...
Spring... it's a treat! The Leapfrogs have felt that winter was here for too long. Some of the reasons we are excited for spring is because we can be outside more often, we can smell pretty flowers, and we don’t have to wear heavy snow boots. We introduced spring with a big bag of potting soil in...
Messy Play is Fun The Doodlebugs are enjoying engaging in messy play. Over the last few weeks we have finger painted with a mixture of paint and oatmeal, we painted with our feet, and we made play dough together. Our favorite was making edible play dough. The older children poured the flour and...
The Stucco Building, home to the After School Hawks and Eagles classrooms, will be under renovation beginning May 1 and is planned for completion in early June. We are thrilled to have these changes underway! During this time, the children will continue their busy after-school schedule in alternate...
After much planning, the After School Center Stucco Building renovation project gets off the ground on May 1. Construction is scheduled to be complete in early June. Once the work is finished, our older after schoolers will have new bathrooms, floors, air-conditioning and ceiling. During the...
Pretend Play is Serious Business! PIC is known for encouraging children to learn through play. In the Caterpillar infant/toddler room, the children learn through pretend play every day. Pretend play requires children to use their imaginations. Through pretend play children develop essential social...
Preparing a Toddler for a New Sibling A new baby brings big changes to a family. Parents of young toddlers will need to do a lot of preparation before the baby comes and their attention becomes consumed by the newborn’s needs. Understand that c hange can be difficult for older siblings. They may...
Following a Path to Emergence Submitted by Roadrunner Assistant Teacher Angel Brice Who's the teacher here? The Roadrunners have not engaged in any of the activities we have prepared for them this morning. Instead they are beating on drums and tambourines, singing, running, and dancing! As a teacher...
We are grateful to PIC's After School teachers and students who worked extremely hard in order to make priceless contributions to the PIC Plant Sale. The Stucco Building, the Spruce Building, and the Sweet building all have beautiful banners in the windows and in the stairwells. Next time you are at...
Watch Us Grow! There is no question that a whole lot of growth happens in and around PIC! The obvious places to look for it are during transitions when children move from one classroom up to the next, when a PIC family adds a younger sibling to their clan and then to one of the infant rooms, or when...