
What an amazing day for all young children when Governor Tom Wolf comes to talk about the importance of supporting Early Childhood Education teacher education and making learning fun! Governor Wolf first visited with the Chipmunks classroom to make playdough before giving a press conference in the A...
Much ado about music! The Sunshine teachers watch our children for signs of budding interests. We began to notice that they were really into making sounds/music. They would use forks, spoons, sticks, and the pots, pans and shelves would become drums. So we decided to explore sounds, music and...
A PIC Push Goodbye At PIC infants spend almost two years in the infant/young toddler classrooms. They build a loving, trusting relationship with their teachers and get used to the routines in their classroom. It is around the age of two, that children move to a toddler room, like the Sunshines. They...
On the go! The Sunshines have been having fun exploring different modes of transportation. We have been engaged in a variety of activities that help us learn about the different types of ways we can travel. The Sunshines painted with different vehicles as a recent art activity. They picked the...
Come "play" Parent participation has always been a big part of PIC. There are always jobs offered around the center, on the Board and its working committees, and in classrooms. In the Sunshine room, we love when parents come and participate in our classroom. We always have parents with awesome jobs...
Self-help in the Sunshines As a healthy part of normal child development, children have a drive to be independent and do things on their own. In the Sunshines classroom we encourage self-help skills by allowing and encouraging the children to take responsibility whenever possible. Some people may...
written by Lead Teacher Demita Hill What is Pre-literacy? I am taking a literacy course at Penn and recently read an interesting article about pre-literacy skills for infants and toddlers. It took me back to my childhood when my mom used to read to me. Parents and caregivers lay the foundation for...
Changing Classrooms This is the time of year when children and parents are adjusting to new classrooms. At first, it can be difficult because you are used to your child’s old teachers and their routines. They know your child well and that makes it comfortable for you. So now here you are in this...
Stuttering in the Toddler Years The toddlers years are a time of language explosion! As part of this growth, each year in the Sunshine room, we usually have at least three or four children who begin stuttering. One day their language is stutter-free and the next day the stuttering starts. I always...
Time for Potty Training Potty training is a major milestone for toddlers, as well as parents. It is important not to start potty training until the child and the parents are both really ready. Timing and patience is the secret to success!! Potty training depends on the emotional and physical...


Flex Teacher / Classroom Assistant
Assistant Teacher
Assistant Teacher
Lead Teacher