In the Classroom: The Sunshines

Parent participation in the Sunshine classroom

Come "play"

Parent participation has always been a big part of PIC. There are always jobs offered around the center, on the Board and its working committees, and in classrooms.
In the Sunshine room, we love when parents come and participate in our classroom. We always have parents with awesome jobs/hobbies come in during morning meeting and share their talents with us. 
In the past, we had a parent that was a dentist who gave the Sunshines a teeth brushing demonstration using a big tooth brush and a friendly dragon with very real looking teeth. One year a parent who was a pediatrician and brought realistic looking healthy foods and talked all about nutrition and healthy bodies.
This month our theme we are studying music, sound and movement. We have been having a lot of fun with this theme while learning at the same time.
Jennifer (Devon’s mom) came in one morning and showed the Sunshines how to do some yoga poses. The Sunshines had a great time as they used their gross motor skills to do their best poses, enhanced flexibility and strength, and supported their growing body awareness.
One day Mical (Leora’s mom) brought in her cello. Mical showed the Sunshines her bow and how she uses it to make soft and loud music when she runs it across the strings. We had fun singing some of our favorite songs while Mical played for us. 
We are looking forward to Erica (Elijah’s mom) coming in this week to show the Sunshines how she uses her voice as an instrument. She also plans to show us her cello, flute and guitar. 
Jill (Raphael’s mom) and his sister Anna are also visiting next week. Jill is learning to play the guitar and Anna plays the trumpet at school.
We are so fortunate to have so many talented parents in our room. At this age, children are so excited by things we may take for granted. Give it some thought. Do you have some special talent or interest to share? 


Meet the Sunshines team
