In the Classroom: The Sunshines

PIC Push Goodbye

A PIC Push Goodbye

At PIC infants spend almost two years in the infant/young toddler classrooms. They build a loving, trusting relationship with their teachers and get used to the routines in their classroom. 
It is around the age of two, that children move to a toddler room, like the Sunshines. They have to get used to their new teachers, new friends and a new environment. 
There are times when some children may have a little bit more of a difficult time with their transition. Separation anxiety is a normal phase of development beginning with mobility around six months of age and intensifying from 12 to 18 months. During this time, children may experience intense emotion when separating from loved ones. 
Separation problems are often routed in the fear of the unknown rather than the actual separation from loved ones. To ease anxiety a little, parents can explain to their child where they are going, what they will be doing, and who will pick them up. It often helps to talk about teachers by name to help children become familiar with them. 
Predictability helps minimize anxiety for a child. It’s important for parents to actually say goodbye. This is an opportunity for the child to learn how to separate. The child should see their parents leave and return. Before you know it, they will be engaging in an all-time favorite PIC tradition the PIC Push