Posts in 'Executive Director'

Executive Director

a monthly message from Deb Green When the calendar turns to May it means longer and warmer days and more time for outdoor play. As most know, outdoor play is one of the hallmarks of each child’s experience at PIC. Psychology professor Peter Gray is known in early childhood circles for his...
a monthly message from Deb Green This month marks two years since we embarked on what turned out to be the most volatile roller coaster ride called COVID 19. So many lives lost, so many changes, and so many lingering effects that continue to profoundly impact our lives. There are hopeful signs that...
a monthly message from Deb Green PIC has always been proud of the wide-array of diversity among its families. One way we celebrate this is with our annual Children’s Book Festival. Prior to COVID, it was an intimate no-cost gathering open to PIC families and the wider community on a Sunday afternoon...
a monthly message from Executive Director Deb Green The calendar officially turned to 2022 and I have yet to speak to anyone who isn’t happy (overjoyed actually) to see 2021 behind us. But the COVID pandemic is still very much with us—and in many ways worse than it was a year ago. We are working...
Dear Friends of PIC, One of the biggest safety nets you can give families in such chaotic and overwhelming times is a strong community of support — a network of people they can turn to when the world throws a little too much their way. Thank you for being part of PIC’s community of support. With...
a monthly message from Executive Director Deb Green 2021 has NOT been an easy year. A year ago, few of us would have ever imagined we would still be in the midst of dealing with COVID. The pandemic has imposed near-daily risk assessment that brings ever-changing choices around routines and once...
a monthly message from Executive Director Deb Green Through difficult times, the feeling of gratitude often keeps me going. Yet, did you know that gratitude has even greater benefits? Science tells us that we gain stronger immune systems, feel more joy and optimism, and are less lonely and isolated...
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a monthly message from Executive Director Deb Green Many years ago when I began teaching I loved having the children participate in what I thought were creative art experiences, such as adding “googly eyes” to pre-cut Halloween jack-o-lanterns or tracing our hands to represent the Thanksgiving...
As the new school year gets underway, I am very pleased to let you know that 100% of our staff are fully vaccinated! We hope that everyone in our PIC community will follow their lead when they are able. This month, we welcomed nearly 50 preschool age children to PIC through a partnership with PA’s...