Posts in 'Executive Director'

Executive Director

a monthly message from Deb Green The arrival of a new year always brings the opportunity to reimagine, recharge, refocus and recommit, and this year we will certainly be doing all of these things at PIC. With a continued commitment to children, their families and our staff, here are just a few...
a monthly message from Deb Green In this season of giving, there are so many things to be grateful for at PIC. First and foremost, I am so grateful for the children. Despite what can often feel like a chaotic world, the children at PIC remind me daily of the joy and the hope that is there. I am...
a monthly message from Deb Green Some moments are transformative. One of my own such moments happened many years ago when I was a fairly new teacher leading a morning meeting with a group of three and four-year-olds. We were singing the then quite popular children’s song “The Ten Little Indians,”...
a monthly message from Deb Green October is a month filled with PIC community traditions. While each October event is distinct, they all bring us together and provide opportunities for families to get to know one another. The annual Fall Family Festival is on Friday, October 11, from 10:30 am-noon...
September Message from Deb Green September marks a new beginning each year, even for a year-round program like PIC. As educators, we need to take a moment to stop, re-charge, and prepare for new students and their families before we embark on the first days of school. Last week, our teachers had...
August Message from Deb Green I’ve recently returned from a trip that took me north to New Hampshire and south to North Carolina. The outdoors and nature were at the center of my travels. I was invited to New Hampshire to participate in the closing plenary panel discussion of the Natural Start...
Mud Day is one of my favorite days of the year! It brings together two elements of early learning that PIC is committed to provide —play-based learning and meaningful experiences with nature. PIC's Magic Circle nature playground offers (especially on Mud Day) unstructured, nature play with endless...
June message from Deb Green As I look forward with our new Strategic Plan in hand, I want to highlight an important goal that is identified in the plan. Among our committee members and stakeholders it was widely agreed that we do not want to lose the things about us as an organization that make us...
May message from Executive Director Debbie Green Spring is really in the air! PIC trees have bloomed, birds have returned to our nature playground, new sand and mulch have been delivered, and most importantly, our children are spending chunks of time outside. May is a month of graduations and this...
Sig image: Wild Things at the table February Message from Deb Green Recently during a conversation with a parent, I was asked “What is this Reggio talk all about?” I realized that I have much to share about Reggio-Emilia, a philosophy of working with young children. PIC follows a “Reggio-inspired”...