Posts in 'Executive Director'

Executive Director

Sig image: Giving Tuesday graphic with FB and PIC logos December message from Executive Director Debbie Green I am happy to share with our entire community that this year was our most successful #Giving Tuesday by far! We more than doubled our revenue from last year, raising over $3,200 for PIC. We...
March Message from Deb A few months ago Roadrunners teacher Isy Abraham-Raveson was filmed for an online news story while leading her preschoolers in a discussion around "consent education." After their 30-minute workshop that also included a game and a book about consent, the Roadrunners were able...
Everything you need to know - from Deb Green This is the time of year when many children approach the older end of the age range for the classrooms that they are currently in. It is a time when families begin to have questions about children moving to the next age group. I hope that this answers at...
Facilities Projects are Happening! We are excited that we are making some significant progress on a number of faciltiies projects that are on our docket. Some of these projects are in response to increased security and safety measures, while others are in response to ongoing scheduled classroom...
January message from Executive Director Debbie Green In November, I joined a few teachers in attending an early childhood education conference in Washington, DC. The first day of the conference, we visited a highly regarded preschool program and its beautiful classrooms, we heard of innovative...
Monday Mourning I write this on the heels of hearing of the recent shootings in the synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA. Once again our nation is mourning the loss of innocent lives and is again facing the after effects of yet another act of horrific violence against a marginalized group in our society...
Falling for the holidays Being part of a diverse community means that our children have wonderful opportunities to learn about holidays and traditions that are different than their own. For educators, fall represents the beginning of three months of holidays and is a good time to discuss holidays at...
Let's advocate for all children Advocacy in the field of early childhood education is so important, and it is a part of my job that I take very seriously. We have moved beyond the era where parents need a safe place to leave their children while they are at work, to one where we understand the...
The 2018 Family Feedback Survey received 218 responses. PIC's Quality Committee, chaired by Nancy Rimmer and made up of PIC parents and Board members, found the 2018 Family Feedback Survey responses to be very positive and to show high ratings in key areas. Here are the highlights. You're Very...
Enriching Nature Education PIC is ready to take outdoor education to a new level, and we are eager to share with you our latest plans to deepen nature learning at PIC. Four years ago we opened the Acadia Woods Magic Circle Nature Playground, named for a special place where former PIC Executive...