Posts in 'Executive Director'

Executive Director

a message from Executive Director Deb Green This question has forever plagued the education field, and even more so when referring to those who teach our youngest children. Many believe that teachers who work with young children simply need to be kind-hearted and love the work that they do. However...
a monthly message by Deb Green As we enter the month of December and have the calendar year come to an end, I take a moment to reflect on this season of giving and on the many things to be grateful for at PIC. First and foremost, I am so grateful for the children. Despite what can often feel like a...
a monthly message by Deb Green I have long been a believer that wildly opposite human emotions can exist at the same time. Sometimes these emotions simply need to co-exist. We may feel both grateful and resentful of the pressures of parenthood. We may feel both exhilarated by a professional position...
For educators, October represents the beginning of three months of holidays. In many programs, holidays are part of a program’s curriculum. For example, October is about creating jack-o-lanterns and having Halloween parades. November is about making turkeys and feasts to celebrate Thanksgiving. And...
In PIC’s world of children spending significant periods of time outside each day, Summer 2023 definitely presented many challenges. Air quality alerts, as well as heat and thunderstorm alerts kept children inside more than any summer in memory. The teachers in both our Early Learning Program and our...
Even as the temperatures remind us that we are in the “dog days of summer,” we are actively planning for the fall and the school year ahead. Much of our planning right now centers on professional development. We are delighted that we were able to send six staff members to Atlanta, Georgia in July to...
a monthly message from PIC Executive Director Deb Green Later this week I am delighted to participate as a panelist at a conference sponsored by the US Play Coalition titled Preserving and Promoting the Right to Play. Presenters have been asked to speak on topics that include a) Why Play? How Play...
Monthly message from Deb Green I am delighted to report that last month we had six PIC staff members who graduated with Bachelor’s degrees in Early Childhood Education or a related field. We applaud their dedication and their efforts in securing their degrees while working full time. An achievement...
A monthly message from Executive Director Deb Green I dedicate my May message to the explanation of a national outcry, in which the field of Early Childhood Education is currently at the center. Let me explain. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has been the guiding...
A monthly message from Executive Director Deb Green Spring is in the air! While I look forward to spring for so many reasons, one of the biggest is seeing the children have opportunities for long periods of daily outdoor play. This winter we added new elements to our Nature Playground and it’s been...