Opposite Emotions Co-exist

a monthly message by Deb Green
I have long been a believer that wildly opposite human emotions can exist at the same time. Sometimes these emotions simply need to co-exist. We may feel both grateful and resentful of the pressures of parenthood. We may feel both exhilarated by a professional position and overwhelmed by the sacrifices that it demands. Sometimes a devastating loss like divorce or even death, may bring both grief and relief.
For me, last month has shown this to be more true than perhaps ever before. The horrific events happening in the wider world are being deeply felt by those in our own PIC community. And earlier last month, we learned of the sudden death of a dear School District colleague who worked with many of us via our PreK Counts program. And just last week, the continued gun violence in our own country hit PIC directly with the shooting and killing of the beloved husband of one of our teachers. During such times, overwhelming sadness, grief, confusion and near immobilization sets in for many of us.
And yet…At the very same time I am filled with pride (and joy) at events in our community these past few weeks. Our annual ArtStart event raised over $50,000 to support our tuition assistance fund. Our teachers rallied in helping children create beautiful art projects that were displayed in the chapel and provided child care for nearly one hundred children on the evening of the event.
Over a hundred family members and friends joined us for our Fall Family Festival and enjoyed a perfect autumn day of activities on our Nature Playground, TotLot and blacktop.
This month we will welcome grandparents and special friends for the first time in four years for our Grandfriends Days on November 21 and 22. This event too, fills me with joy.
And then there’s the immense community response in support of our teacher who is experiencing such grief over the loss of her husband. See information here on the new scholarship fund set up in Mohammed Rahman’s name.
It is often hard to grapple with the concept of disparate human emotions coexisting at once. And yet they do. It is what we do. It is what we need to do. At PIC, a strong sense of community and passion and kindness brings people together and allows our varying emotions to co-exist.
In this month of Thanksgiving gratitude, I am forever grateful for this community!