Posts in 'Diversity'


Thanks to all you book lovers and volunteers who came to PIC's Children's Book Festival on Sunday afternoon. Over 100 parents and children gathered at PIC to hear guest readers read an array of books that featured diverse families and diverse settings. We listened to PIC dads play music and sing...
The Diversity Committee's first annual Children’s Book Festival will be held January 29, 2017 from 3 - 5 pm in PIC's Small Gym (Spruce). Designed to create and nurture a culture of literacy, this free, public event will celebrate diversity and a love of reading. With an all-star lineup of readers...
Sharing Traditions Growing up in Bethlehem, PA, I assumed that everyone celebrated Christmas, simply because I didn’t know anyone who didn’t. It was not until I went to high school that my world suddenly widened. I learned that one of my new friends celebrated Hanukkah in December. I still remember...
PIC has been awarded a grant from the Terri Lynne Lokoff Child Care Foundation for a project titled "Widening the World through Children's Literature." This grant of $3,000 will be used to purchase books that reflect the population of children and families in our program, especially those already in...
Socioeconomics in Diversity We are so fortunate at PIC that diversity across all realms is such a strong aspect of our community identity. Our children are in classrooms with peers who are of different races, religions and family compositions, and who celebrate different holidays, live in different...
Celebrating Diversity Throughout the Year Two children are playing together in the dramatic play area and a third child comes over to join the fun. A teacher overhears one of the children say, “you can’t play with us because your skin is dirty.” It is not unusual for an exchange like this to occur...
Starting New Traditions After attending this year’s fall potlucks, I continue to be in awe of the wonderful traditions that have been established at PIC, potlucks being primary among them. I have been told that our summer traditions of Watermelon Wednesday, Lemonade Lull, and the Spoil-Your-Supper...
PIC's Diversity Committee has produced this 6-minute video entitled, Diversity Matters, to share how diversity is experienced at PIC. We hope that this will be the first in a series of videos on the topic. Watch Jacob Kerner, Lead Teacher in the Peanut classroom as he discusses how diversity matters...