Posts in 'Event'


The Diversity Committee's annual Children’s Book Festival will be held January 21, 2018 from 3 - 5 pm in PIC's Small Gym (Spruce). Designed to create and nurture a culture of literacy, this free, public event will celebrate diversity and a love of reading. The theme is "The Colors of Us" based on...
How to Talk to Kids about Sexuality - PART II Wednesday, January 24, 8:30 - 9:30 am Sweet Building A-Z Room It is never too early to start talking to kids about their bodies! In Part II of this sexuality workshop, we will continue to explore our own discomfort about this charged topic, learn to talk...
We took a moment to warm up the winter together at our annual Winter Galas and Open House. PIC celebrated the season with hands-on activities, live performance, food, family, and friends.
After School Center After School annual Winter Galas will be on Tuesday, December 12 (Dragontails and Starlights) and Thursday, December 14 (Hawks and Eagles). See the kids showcase their talents! Both shows are from 4 - 5 pm in the Stucco Building. All PIC families are invited, and encouraged to...
What a wonderful two days of classrooms filled with grandparents and special friends. It means so much to young children when they can share PIC with the ones they love.
How to Talk to Kids about Sexuality Wednesday, November 29 (8:30-9:30) Location to be announced When is the right time to start talking to kids about their bodies? The answer is: now! This workshop will help parents, teachers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, or anyone with children under 11 in their...
At PIC's Fall Family Festival we celebrated the season with lots of fun outdoor activities, including an acorn-filled sensory table and with ramps, creating leaf crowns, a dance party, and more!
ARTSTART 2017 - a great victory for kids! On October 19, more than 200 guests gathered to Vote YES for Kids! The evening filled with good friends, children’s art, and silent auction bidding celebrated children and the importance of giving them a quality start in life. This year was a great success...
Here are a few things to know to make your evening more enjoyable! Prepare to bid on these silent auction items! What would you like to bring home at the end of the night? Start in the Small GymThis year, your first stop of the night will be the Small Gym to pick up your name tag, program and bid...
On Friday, October 27, we will host our annual Fall Family Festival at PIC from 10:30 am - noon. Our festival is a joyful gathering of children, staff and families on our Magic Circle Nature Playground. There will be many fall-themed activities set up in stations around the playground for children...