Posts in 'Event'


ARTSTART 2017 - a great victory for kids! On October 19, more than 200 guests gathered to Vote YES for Kids! The evening filled with good friends, children’s art, and silent auction bidding celebrated children and the importance of giving them a quality start in life. This year was a great success...
Here are a few things to know to make your evening more enjoyable! Prepare to bid on these silent auction items! What would you like to bring home at the end of the night? Start in the Small GymThis year, your first stop of the night will be the Small Gym to pick up your name tag, program and bid...
On Friday, October 27, we will host our annual Fall Family Festival at PIC from 10:30 am - noon. Our festival is a joyful gathering of children, staff and families on our Magic Circle Nature Playground. There will be many fall-themed activities set up in stations around the playground for children...
35 days and counting! This year's silent auction is shaping up to be better than ever! Already thinking about your next vacation? 4 One-Day Park Hopper passes from Disney Visit Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom, or Epcot, or a combination. Good until 8/24/2019. 3 night getaway in the...
New (or not-so-new) PIC families are invited to come to one of the two upcoming New Family Orientation meetings - 9/20 and 9/26. Both meetings will be held from 8:30 - 9:30 am in the Spruce Building Small Gym. Hear from Executive Director Deb Green about PIC's history, new initiatives, events for...
PIC Early Learning and After School classrooms kick off the school year by hosting evening potlucks with their families. Families will gather in their child's classroom for a brief (adult-only) meeting with the teaching team to learn about classroom practices and what is in store for the year ahead...
Thanks to everyone who came out to our July Ice Cream Social. It was a great time to catch up and cool off.
PIC's summer social events bring our families and staff together to cool off and strengthen our community.
Started in 2008 in Nepal and Australia, International Mud Day is celebrated by thousands of children in dozens of countries worldwide to highlight the importance of nature play. On June 29, we connected with the rich earth in this most squishy, tactile way in celebration of Mud Day. These pictures...
updated 6/13/18 International Mud Day is June 29 PIC loves outdoor learning, especially International Mud Day. Every June 29th, we celebrate this joyous day by inviting children and staff to get messy! Click through the pictures above for a quick look at a previous year's fun! Please send kids to...