Posts in 'Event'


On Thursday, October 30, PIC will host its first Lights on Aftershool event from 4:00 - 5:00 pm . Please join us in the Stucco Building for a mini-art festival and "lighting" ceremony. As a registered participant in this nation-wide "call to attention," we acknowledge the need for more, and...
Today, a group of students from the Villanova University College of Nursing helped staff PIC's flu clinic, providing free flu shots to over 50 adults at PIC and in the community. This is an annual project sponsored by the City of Philadelphia. PIC participates in this outreach program as part of our...
We are excited about our upcoming Fall Festival and hope that families can join us on Friday, October 31 from 9:30- 11:00 am. We are continuing to work out some details, but here is some important information to make this new PIC tradition a great event for children and grown ups: Dress (both...
During the week of Thanksgiving, PIC would like to invite your child(ren)'s grandparents or "grand" friends to our annual Grandfriends Days. On Monday and Tuesday, November 24 and 25 at 9:00 am, we will welcome these grand grownups to PIC, show them your child's learning in action, and introduce...
Starting New Traditions After attending this year’s fall potlucks, I continue to be in awe of the wonderful traditions that have been established at PIC, potlucks being primary among them. I have been told that our summer traditions of Watermelon Wednesday, Lemonade Lull, and the Spoil-Your-Supper...
This month all PIC classrooms are hosting evening potlucks as a way for families and teachers to get to know each other better. After the grownups spend time in the classroom together, a potluck dinner is shared by children, families, and teachers. Great food and great conversation!
Parents and early childhood educators - including PIC's Grasshoppers and Roadrunners - came together on Tuesday to sing, dance, draw and rally in Franklin Square Park as part of the Pre-K for PA campaign. Together they sent a message to our leaders that all children should have access to high...
This year, we are re-envisioning our celebration of Halloween, working to make it inclusive of all members of our community. On Friday, October 31 from 9:30-11:00 am, w e will be having a Fall Family Festival , a joyful gathering of children, staff and families on our Magic Circle nature playground...
POST UPDATED: 9/10/2014 Fireflies and Peanuts Potluck was moved from 9/15 to 9/30After School Potluck added and will be held on 9/24 PIC classrooms kick off the school year by hosting evening potlucks with their families. Families will gather in their child's classroom for a brief (adult-only)...
On Tuesday, August 26, PIC started the day with a family PJ Breakfast.