Fall Family Festival

This year, we are re-envisioning our celebration of Halloween, working to make it inclusive of all members of our community.
On Friday, October 31 from 9:30-11:00 am, we will be having a Fall Family Festival, a joyful gathering of children, staff and families on our Magic Circle nature playground. 
We are planning to have fall-themed activity stations around the playgroundimagine “hayrides” in wagons, dancing with scarves, face painting, stringing beads, among many others.  
We will need help from family volunteers at our classroom activity stations. We will likely need 2-3 parents per classroom. This works best if two parents/caregivers are able to comeone can help with the activity station and the other can be with your child.
We will set up a snack buffet table and encourage families to contribute fall-themed, healthy snacks.
All families will be asked to bring in a white t-shirt labeled with your child’s name by the beginning of October. We suggest a larger-than-your-child’s typical-size shirt as it may need to be worn over other layers of clothing.
In previous years, for PIC's Halloween parade, our infants and toddlers often came in costume to PIC and older children often made their costumes in their classrooms. This year we are asking that children not come to PIC in costume, as all children will create a t-shirt to wear on the festival day.
But, most importantly...
As a new PIC tradition, we really want to encourage family participation, hoping that each child will have a family member or special friend to share the morning. 
We look forward a very fun-filled fall at PIC and hope that we will see you our first Fall Family Festival!