Fall Festival Details for Families

We are excited about our upcoming Fall Festival and hope that families can join us on Friday, October 31 from 9:30- 11:00 am.
We are continuing to work out some details, but here is some important information to make this new PIC tradition a great event for children and grown ups:
Dress (both children and adults) for outside fun and adventure. Check the weather, a warm coat may be necessary.
As with other events that take place during the work day, we know that some children will enjoy the event with their families and some will enjoy it with their teachers. We want to make sure that everyone has a wonderful time and ask that if you are not going to be able to join us, please let the teachers know ahead of time.
All early learning classes will meet outside on or around the nature playground at 9:30 am. If you plan arrive before 9:30 am on festival day, please take your child(ren) directly to the classroom. If you plan to be at PIC at 9:30 am, come to your child’s classroom to join them.
There will be a variety of activity areas for children and grown ups to explore together. As teachers are staffing the various activity areas, we ask that parents/adult friends be responsible for their children when outside.
Let us know if you can help staff an activity area. We are not yet sure how many people we will need, but know it's best to have a list of possible volunteers. This only works for families who will have two adults, one to stay with your child and the other who can volunteer to help for a bit. Talk to your teachers to learn more. 
We will be having a simple snack of spice cookies and apple cider. Please bring your child an alternative snack if s/he cannot have these items.
Please be sure to let the teachers know if you plan on taking your child home after the festival.
The Fall Family Festival will be held rain or shine. If it rains (hard), we will be moving indoors. We appreciate you doing a no-rain dance for us.
We are looking forward to a fun morning on the 31st! Please speak with your teacher if you have any questions about the event.