An Invitation to Grandfriends Days

During the week of Thanksgiving, PIC would like to invite your child(ren)'s grandparents or "grand" friends to our annual Grandfriends Days.

On Monday and Tuesday, November 24 and 25 at 9:00 am, we will welcome these grand grownups to PIC, show them your child's learning in action, and introduce them to the strong community of families, teachers, and staff that we nurture here. 

Following a light breakfast and welcome by Executive Director Debbie Green, they will be shown to the classroom(s). Our teachers are planning activities that the children can share with their special guests.

We are getting ready to drop nvitations to Grandfriends Days in the mail and would like to invite your family's grandparents/friends.

Please complete the form in your PIC mailbox or email Family Life Coordinator Lynne Piersol by Friday, October 24.