Recycling Changes: Bye, Bye, Brigade

PIC children began recycling through TerraCycle in December 2012. Our very first effort began with the Roadrunners when they noticed how many children brought cheese sticks for lunch. They decided to start recycling cheese wrappers.
Since that time, several recycling "brigades" have been formed at PIC, each one focusing on different hard-to-recycle household items. We even have partnered with Crayola to collect used markers.
Unfortunately, we have just learned that the “Cheese Packaging Brigade” will be closing on October 31, 2014. We are hoping that Terracycle will find another national partner to sponsor this brigade soon so that we may continue to help recycle this waste stream.
We MUST send in any cheese packaging before October 31, 2014.
Anytime before the end of October, you can send plastic cheese wrappers to your child's classroom or bring them to the Roadrunner classroom in the Sweet Building.
As a reminder, here are a list of all our current "brigades" and the items we are keeping out of landfills:
Diaper Packaging by the Bumblebees
The Bumblebees are collecting plastic diaper and wipes packaging. Read more about acceptable items. Drop items in their classroom located on the ground level of the Spruce Building. Meet the Bumblebee Teachers
Food Pouches and Magic Markers in the Peanuts room
Learn what food pouches the Peanuts are collecting and bring items and/or used markers to their classroom located on the top floor of the Spruce Building. Meet the Peanut Teachers
Dental Care Products by the Roadrunners
Read what dental care products the Roadrunners are collecting. Bring these items to their classroom located on the 2nd floor of the Sweet Building. Meet the Roadrunner Teachers
All PIC families are invited to drop off recyclables directly to any of the classrooms that hosts a program. ALL BRANDS are accepted by each program. Get involved and help us show the children how to care for the planet!
PIC is committed to being environmentally responsible and teaching our children to respect the world in which they live. Learn more about our Growing Up Green initiatives.