KidPot Orders Due Friday

WHAT ARE THESE THINGS CALLED KIDPOTS? As part of the plant sale, each child hand-paints flower pots that are available for purchase to PIC families. We call them "KidPots" and they look perfect on your window sill, front porch, and make great gifts for family and friends.
HAVE YOU SIGNED UP FOR A KIDPOT? Sign-up sheets are in the classrooms and the children are ready to paint! If you plan to purchase any pots, please place your order by THIS FRIDAY.
Next week the children will begin painting pots. Your child will paint the quantity you ordered. The week before the Plant Sale (May 2 & 3), volunteers will plant a flower in each pot. They will then be brought to the classrooms for you to take home. Remember, the Plant Sale is held the weekend before Mother's Day, so the timing couldn't be better.
Kidpot sales are an important part of the PIC Plant Sale. Revenue generated by the sale of these pots is part of the money raised by this event.
100% of Plant Sale proceeds go directly towards PIC's Scholarship Fund, which helps PIC families who struggle with the cost of care.
Scroll down for more photos of children painting KidPots!