In the Classroom: The Rainbows

Transition Time Shows Growth
Transitions into or out of a classroom have various effects on children, their parents, and their teachers. Anticipation, with undoubtedly a little anxiety exists as our new and soon-to-be two and three-year-olds move up to a toddler or preschool classroom.
It is fascinating to watch as roles shift in the classroom. Rainbow teachers witness social, linguistic, cognitive, and physical growth in the development of our children.
We watch twenty-five to thirty-month-olds, now the leaders, the big kids in the room, begin to develop new friendships and become models for their peers. Teachers acknowledge these new identities and are purposeful in planning and interacting with our Rainbows to foster these new found skills.

We bake together, discover together, dance together, read together and help each other throughout our daily routines.
“I wonder if we hit the head of the screw driver with the hammer what would happen? Let’s find out together.” As older Rainbows demonstrate this technique with success, the younger Rainbows automatically reach for the two tools.
Rainbows often pick up books and bring them over to share with their teachers. Before we can finish a title, the magnetic pull of a book has captured another friend who joins us.
Rainbows find each other’s shoes, try to help their younger friends put them on, and help bring their cots and linens to their cubbies after napping. As teachers, we acknowledge when Rainbows work together contributing to our cooperative community.
We are all learning from each other as transitions into and out of the Rainbow room creates opportunities to see amazing interactions and milestones.