Posts in 'Executive Director'

Executive Director

Loose Parts Spark Imaginations I vividly remember playing in the “forest” behind the home of my aunt and uncle as a child. I would collect sticks with my friends and create “firepits.” We would add rocks for “food” and sit on piles of leaves. Chestnuts became fairies and the local outside cats...
Starting New Traditions After attending this year’s fall potlucks, I continue to be in awe of the wonderful traditions that have been established at PIC, potlucks being primary among them. I have been told that our summer traditions of Watermelon Wednesday, Lemonade Lull, and the Spoil-Your-Supper...
Seven years ago today, former PIC Executive Director Marni Sweet died after losing a battle with cancer. Some of you knew Marni well and many others never met Marni. I write this today because I feel it is important to note and remember that much of the culture at PIC is because of Marni. While she...
Back to School… for teachers too! PIC teachers experienced two very rich days of learning during our recent In-service days. Time was spent in workshops learning from professionals in the field, having meaningful discussions with one another, and engaged in hands-on activities. On Friday, early...
Summertime Transitions at PIC Summer is a time of transitions at PIC as children move from one classroom to the next age group. For some children, these transitions are a breeze, and they barely look back to their old classroom. For others, moving to a new classroom is about building trust all over...
June, My New Favorite Month... but here comes July! While I’ve always loved the change of seasons, this past winter has diminished my love of winter and honestly, I can now just do without it. April and May were quite beautiful to be sure, but it is June that I now deem as my favorite month at PIC...
Mediocrity Is Not an Option Recently I heard the following statistics concerning the current state of early childhood programs in the United States: 10% of the child centers in this country are considered high quality programs, those that are accredited by the National Association for the Education...
At last night's annual family meeting, Executive Director Debbie Green highlighted projects and events from the past year and presented what families can expect at PIC in the year ahead. Board President (and PIC alumni mom) Carol Lerner shared about the 2014-2015 budget. See the 2014-2015 tuition...
post edited on May 14, 2014 Join us on Tuesday, May 27 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm in the Small Gym (Spruce Building) for PIC’s Annual Meeting. Join Executive Director Debbie Green and the PIC Board of Directors to learn about exciting center initiatives, including the completion of the Magic Circle...
Post Plant Sale Ponderings As an avid gardener, I was quite certain that I would take great pleasure in being part of my first PIC Plant Sale, but I was surely not prepared for just how much I would both enjoy and learn from the experience. Admittedly, unloading hundreds of plants during what seemed...